Me, and my awesome cleavage |
... aka: Where Nothing Goes as Planned. (I hear this is basically the heart of motherhood, so I'm glad we're already on track!)
Friday after work, I wandered around midtown Anchorage, running a few errands, but hoping to find a heart rate monitor. Its really been bothering me that I don't always know how my heart is doing, and the more I work out, the longer I run, the more it stresses me out. I didn't find what I was looking for at Walmart, Fred Meyer or Sears, but I didn't really expect to. What I did find was long lines, former clients and a sore body from wearing shoes I should have thrown away two years ago.
Beaumarie |
Its always weird when I run into former clients out side of work. I never know what to say...
Yup, still doing the same thing, boring I know. Like my stability is an oddity or something. One of my kids is working at one of the aforementioned stores which is awesome. The other one is moving out of state in a few days, on a whim, with no real plan. I wanted to tell her she was being dumb, but the truth is, I think it'll be a great experience for her, even if it blows up in her face. Maybe even especially if it blows up in her face.
Friday night I went to see Cedar Rapids, with Ed Helms. It was... raunchy. It was really difficult to care about the plot, even though I loved all the characters. I won't say anything more than that, because, well, if I never saw it again, it'd be okay.
Megan and Beau |
Saturday, I had every intention of going to the gym, or going on an 8 mile walk. I did neither. Instead i stayed in bed until 2:30pm, walked up to REI, bought myself a Polar ft4 because I simply couldn't wait/resist/stop myself, and then stopped by titlewave which is this totally awesomely huge used bookstore, and picked up a vegetarian cookbook, Women Runners, and The Complete Book of Running for Women. Knowledge is power, and while reading blogs are nice, I wanted something that wasn't backlit to gather information from. I'm hoping in the following weeks the cookbook will come in handy as I am running out of things to eat that aren't... gross. I think in the following weeks I'm going to make a new recipe once or twice a week and share it here.
Megan and Nathaniel |
Saturday evening I went to see Something Borrowed with my friends. It was cute, if a bit droll. And even though I am generally very open to how relationships come to pass, and the circumstances life brings, some aspects of it got really annoying really quickly. I won't say which one(s), but if you'd like go guess, or you've read/seen it and know, then I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. I would love to read the books that it was based on as I think the character development as meant by the author would be a bit more intriguing. I do plan on purchasing it when it comes out; it'll be a great movie to watch on rainy afternoons.
Sunday I was invited to brunch with my BFF and her husband and two adorable children. It was a chilly afternoon, but we ate at the park and the kids played for a bit on the slides and rocking horse. Beaumarie (aged 2) did not like the swing at all. She does however, love my tits. Can't really blame her, they're pretty awesome. My boobs are like a pillow. After the park, they invited me to have dinner with them as well. I really wanted to go on my walk, but the weather was getting ugly and as we were driving back to their place, it started to rain. We watched Dirty Dancing, then started to get dinner ready. Dinner for them was steak, potatoes and corn. There wasn't enough corn for me, which was fine, so I had chicken and potatoes. Everything just seemed a little undercooked. Undercooked chicken is never something you want, and I didn't eat most of my second piece.
Angel food cake with strawberries |
Dessert was angel food cake with strawberries. I guess she bought the strawberries presugared, so they were pretty sweet. I 86'd the coolwhip because its gross. Then the babies were put to bed and I was taken home. It was really nice hanging out with them, but it reinforced the whole, "I never want babies" thing. They cry too much.
After I was dropped off, my roommate and I finally went on a walk. A short walk, two miles all together. It gave us time to chat a little more. She likes telling the same stories over and over. And not listening to me, or letting me speak. It's very easy for my conversation to get lost because it takes me a while to formulate what I want to say, and then even longer sometimes to make sure I'm not tripping over my words. She's not really one for idle silence, while I have no problem letting the conversation cease. I did let her know that I'm a fiercely independent person, so hopefully she won't get too offended when I don't invite her to be a part of my life.
Beaver |
At some point, I called my mom several times to wish her a happy day, and to hear how it all went, but each time I called her I was
interrupted by someone else. But just in case its not clear, I love who I am today, and I wouldn't be me, if not for my mom. I hope every had a great weekend. I know I did. I'm really excited to use my heart rate monitor on Tuesday when I go to the gym. I'll be starting week 4 of C25k!
Happy Mother's Day!
Sounds like you had a relaxing and fun-filled weekend :) Thanks for sharing!
The kids are cute! Is Beau breastfed? Just wondering if thats where her obsession with your boobs came from. That is funny though! Glad you had a good weekend, even if none of it was what you planned :-)
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