My "Healthy Living" goals are:
- Run a 5k
- Run a half marathon
- Run a full marathon
- Complete a trialthalon
- Summit Flattop Mountain
- Max out a Zumba card for Mad Myrnas (ten classes/ $50!)
- Comfortably fit in to a size L at the department stores
- Find a running/exercising partner
- Use a personal trainer
- Lose
30; 50; 70; 100; 130 lbs
- Try CrossFit
- Try Body Pump
- Try Krav Maga
- Try Kickboxing
- Bike 25; 50; 75; 100 miles
- Be vegan for a month
- Be vegan for a year
- Go an entire month without eating out
- Run a race in all 50 states
- Run the Athens Marathon
- Qualify and run Boston Marathon
- Climb Angel's Peak in Zion National Park
- Dehydrate my own foods
- Make my own nut milks
- Grow an herb garden
- Grow a vegetable garden