Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Food log 2/1/11

Breakfast cookie, banana, half cup hot cocoa. (My whey protein curdled in my mug. I was pretty distraught.)

2 cups black bean corn couscous salad, breakfast cookie, handful of trailmix. (I felt starved all day at work. It was terrible.)

whole grain spaghetti with broccoli, spinach, and alfredo sauce. breakfast cookie, hot chocolate, skinny cow ice cream, 7 parmesean pretzel crackers, I think thats it.

So I'm kind of noticing that I'm eating breakfast cookies as um, not breakfast food. When I do look to eat one, its usually "to replace an additional part of my meal, like meat." At least I think thats whats going through my head when I try to justify it. I think the safest thing to say here is, there is no such thing as a "safe" cookie. They're either all the devil or their all forgivable. There is no middle.

25 mins Zumba + additional stretching, and walking .75 of a mile (which I'm never sure whether or not to include this .75 of a mile because its part of my daily commute).

Tomorrow I gotta focus on my homework. I'm starting to feel... rushed. Also, I'm really tired, and probably should have just left this part out. Good night, good morning, Namaste.


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