But wait. If not being late is going to reduce my fear of getting fired, then why don't I just be on time? Its not like there has ever been a good reason; it was just easier to be a little late.
Its taken quite a bit of effort on my part to be ready on time these days. I have to get out of bed earlier, I have to straighten my hair sooner. Breakfast can't be cozied up with Little Bear
Whats happened is, I get up eariler, and i get ready eariler, but now I'm too early. I wait for dozens of minutes before I have to leave and catch a bus. I don't know what to do with myself. Its not quite enough time to walk to work either. It leaves me in a sticky situation. When you don't have things to do, your mind wanders. What if I wake up one day, and all this time I've spent focusing on everything I put in my body and how I felt about it, turns into some sick twisted excuse to binge eat? Because all I can focus on is food?
I mean, I'm not saying that I want to (honest! I don't!), I'm really quite happy with the direction my life seems to be headed right now. I know I have a couple impending disasters coming my way, things I have no control over. I know when the waves of despair wash over me, the first thing I'm going to want to find comfort in is chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies. I don't know when these tradegies are going to happen, but I want to be as well prepared for them as I can be. No more destroying myself over things that can't change. I can change, I am changing every day. It is vital to my survival to have my health and a better understanding of the way I cope.
But even more than the impending disasters, I have hope. I have conviction, and I have just a bucket full of spirit this time around. I know good things are going to happen to me this year. Really good things. Things that are a long time coming, and things that are complete and utter surprises. I want to be able to recognize each of these moments and appreciate and treasure them as well as I am able. I can only do that, if I learn to love myself, and treat myself with love, awareness, and respect.
The rice is out of order. I almost forgot it. I also had a cherry coca cola with dinner.
So far, this blog is the best idea I've ever had.
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