Friday, June 3, 2011

Pre Skinny 12k

I feel completely unprepared for the 12k, tonight.

Okay, so thats not entirely true. I am physically able to complete it. But I forgot the following things before leaving the house this morning:
  • iPod Charger
  • Drawstring backpack
  • sunglasses
  • safety pins for bib
  • I brought my polar strap, but not the clip or my watch to accompany it
  • Water bottle
I'm worried I'm going to walk over ten miles tonight in order to do everything which needs doing. Some things are not a necessity, like the sunglasses or heart monitor, or water bottle. But I have to have a pack of some kind because I don't drive and must carry all of my possessions with me. I'm leaving my change of clothes and my purse at work overnight, but I still need the essentials, you know? Perhaps I should view it with an optimistic view: "Yay! I get to walk over ten miles today because of improper planning! I should do this more often!" but that just seems insincere. I don't get it.

Other than that though, I'm pretty excited. The course should be pretty flat and fast, and there is a rumor of Anchorage's most tasty pizza company making an appearance at the end of the race. Though who knows if there'll be any left over cause I'm expecting this will take me close to 2.5-3 hours to complete.  If I finish it in a reasonable amount of time, I might even catch a movie after.

Maybe. Wish me luck!


Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said... [Reply to comment]

I wish you well! Let us know how it went, can't wait to hear about it. Gotta hear what movie you saw after too. :-)

MizFit said... [Reply to comment]

ooooh HOW WAS IT?

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