Thursday, January 20, 2011

Food Log 1/20/11

Single serving brie, sesame crackers, half an apple.

Peanut butter oatmeal m&m chocolate chip cookie (1 large cookie, just so that's clear. I was confused too.) two cups veggie spanish rice with cheese, diet coke.

1 piece cake, 3 stalks broccoli, 1 baby carrot, 3 snap peas, dip, one cup of punch.

1.5 cups veggie spanish rice with cheese and sour cream.


20 mins Zumba.

My work has an alternative high school that has a mid school year graduation. 10 students graduated, 5 of them showed up this year. I acted as photographer 2.  It was really beautiful. I am always inspired by these kids who go through hell to get their diploma, but do it anyway. They don't know just how amazing their achievement is at that point. The day you receive your diploma is the day people take you just a little more seriously. I'm so proud of all of them, and really happy that I got to be apart of their success.


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